Sunday, 18 December 2016

The Good Ole Days?

Time creeps up on us the older we grow
Bent and wizened like an ancient oak tree,
Grasping the future all those years ago
The golden ole days seem the place to be.
A song on the radio from yesteryear
Long summer days drenched in the sun,
Wistful memories and lives without fear
A night out with friends having so much fun.
What if the past was turned upside down
What if the future was flipped all around?
Would we still yearn for the good ole days
And not look back in a rose tinted haze.
How would we welcome the oncoming past?
Imminent conflicts, other people’s wars
A time long before the smart mobile phone,
No Wi Fi or texting so how would we cope
No long haul travel holidaying at home.
The 1970’s a decade of strikes
Fuelling an era of dissent,
Skyward inflation with many price hikes
Bitter was the winter of discontent.
What if we enjoyed the here and now?
What if looked on with a little less haste,
What if we’re more forgiving to others?

Live for the moment in a calmer place. 

© Copyright Julian Clarke 2016

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Cover Girl

Whilst having coffee in a cafe I overheard a converstion between a couple of ladies which inspired the following.

Cover Girl

To pout like a sexy cover girl 
My age says I’m out of luck,
So I bought a course of Botox
I now have the lips of a duck.

To be slim like a cat walk model
Pert breasts, long legs and doe eyes,
My boobs and bum have gone south
That’s something I really despise.

© Julian Clarke 2016