Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Not one ounce of inspiration

As writers block strikes my mind it feels quite unkind,
hence the reason why I've nothing new for you to view.
I guess I'll keep searching the depths of my barren mind
And not get myself worked up in a lather or a stew.
I hope the jumbled letters will sort themselves out soon
For it feels like I'm writing with a damn wooden spoon.

© Julian Clarke Nov'2017


  1. You've got the answer right there, Julian. Line 4. Don't let yourself get worked up about it. Relax. Poetry will arrive when it's good and ready.

  2. LOL, I love the writing with a wooden spoon. I use mine to stir the sludge in my cranium, smiles.


Comments are very much appreciated and I shall endeavour to reply, however, this may not always be possible due to time restraints.